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APS Annual Client Event

17th APS China Client Event

15 – 19 May 2023

Shenzhen, China


Our conference program aims to give participants fresh perspectives and challenge conventional wisdoms. Our program this year is centered on where China is headed, now that Covid-19 disruptions are largely behind us. Shenzhen, in essence a fishing village just 40 years ago, is now at the forefront of China’s ambitions to become a modern, technologically advanced country. The region houses the headquarters and R&D centers of leaders in innovation such as Huawei, which we will visit as part of our company tours. We will hear from some of these companies and have discussions with economists and policy makers on matters that are key to the country’s ambitious goals of becoming a global economic and technological powerhouse.

The event is by invitation only for institutional investors - 

interested parties can contact cs@aps.com.sg for details